Been working pretty hard lately.
First of all I restarted my blog . This time it's pretty complete and will be updated very often. If you're interested in what and how I do you should swing by every other day.
I'll be writing on it on regular basis, you'll find everything from news to development updates. You can have influence on the content as well!.
You should take a look at my animation page - some info about my work
I was also working on shade, a quick info on some progress here
I released a very useful class which I call quick MovieClip manager.
The aim of this 'manager' is to speed up and streamline the creation process of my game/games. It's great for beginners and basically anyone who'll find this useful.
While making my game I got to a point when I needed to add many MovieClips that should play their animation/just appear for 1 frame and get removed. But it was a boring process to write new functions and manage them without any major control. I also got many bugs that I had to workaround
tutorial and download HERE
I hope someone will use this well like i do.
I got a lot of great books on AS3 , one dedicated to the drawing API in flash so everything I'll do in the future will benefit a lot.
I'm stretching my muscles right now to make it to a May release. Keep your fingers crossed! cya.
PS: randomized explosions, is this beautiful or what?
Won't frames drop from such awestanding random particle explotions? :<
mmankt (Updated )
I did tons of optimizations so the game runs pretty smooth for what is going on, I also covered on my site how players can change the level of detail to enjoy smooth performance and the particles. future versions will be drawn with use of drawing API