Hi! long time no big update but if you are a real fan you should be following my twitter because i make a lot of updates on all changes as soon as they happen. As the tilte says, if all goes well I'll finish the game by the end of the week as the game is almost done-after that hopefully i'll secure a sponsor asap and release it by the end of the month.
I've been doing some small closed beta testing (thx to newgrounders Mindchamber and Louissi and my close friends). Thanks to it i really improved a lot of aspects of the game and it's overall gameplay. I learned that testing is essential because when working over a year on one game your mind closes itself to the inital concept and you often don't see the potential improvements you can make to your work. It's really coming my firends, it's been a long time and I'm sorry for that. If i was fully committed and some bad things wouldn't happen to me it would have been done under 6 months.
Anyways last week I've been working on all the game's levels and thought of making an article on how a level is made in my engine:
1.i start up with a drawing of the level traditionally:
2.then i use the Flash IDE as a level editor and set up all collision data with 'legos' that hold material and type data (like penetration/cloud platform/stairs)
3. I set up all dynamic and destructible objects as well as particle effects pointers
4. then i prepare a base for the level's texture with basic colors representing different textures
5. by using base texture images from cgtextures.com i make a unique and detailed texture which is automatically converted into a bitmap tileset when you load a level at runtime which saves up performance, space and keeps the details in place.
6. after everything is ready from the physics and graphical side i setup spawn points and waypoints for the bots. then i write them and their links into the code (sounds bad but it takes only a few minutes). finally after a day's work many improvements,fixing etc you can test the level in game and play pretty much without any problems.
Also here's a generic gameplay video from the beta and a look at two new maps "warehouse" and "slaughter":
see you soon on the fields of intruder combat training!
UPDATE: game is done, looking for sponsors from monday :D!
wow! can't wait for this!