Working on games. Ask for any help or questions you want. I always respond. Only ppl i know for friends requests plz!

Age 36, Male

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mmankt's News

Posted by mmankt - September 22nd, 2011



(my last year's submission, 2nd place)

Sorry for no part 2 this year, didn't have time for it :(

btw, my next game's reveal is coming soon !!!

Awesome Madness shooter with physics!

Posted by mmankt - June 17th, 2011

Hi! A long time without an update but I finally have a few days to work on my game. It's not like I didn't spend any time on it during the last month - I took any free time I could to make some awesome death animations. Ragdolls are awesome but blending them with a death animation is even more awesome! I started implementing a death animation system yesterday's evening. Here's a small preview of the system in work:

Currently it works like this: a character can go instantly to ragdoll OR play a death animation that transits into ragdoll at the end. It can be also interrupted after you shoot him again.
The animation is decided by character state, bullets direction and caliber.
There are some strange problems that I have to addres but my hopes are high.
The next step will be much cooler.

Stay tuned!

Posted by mmankt - May 24th, 2011

I'm busy with school, so I can't work on the game, but here's a small post with 2 new vids with sprinting and rolling:



Posted by mmankt - April 19th, 2011

Since last update, i added a lot of new stuff, so let's get to it!

First of all a very neat thing - stiff joints:

This allows me to make the ragdolls more realistic or completely stiff as seen in the video (shoot a liquid nitrogen tank next to an enemy and freeze him to death :D ?)

Another useful thing in a shooter - you can actually kill the enemies, i added some epic gore to add more flavor:

Characters, thanks to skeletal animations react to being shot at:

The most important thing I implemented are stairs, two-way platforms (aka clouds), ladders and climbing over obstacles (the character can also sprint now):

If you are interested in this game, follow my youtube channel or be awesome and subscribe (mmankt) because i upload lots of videos as soon as i implement a new feature. In next two weeks I'd like to have a working editor and first map to make a walk through and game announcement. Lots of work ahead and awesome stuff to do, I really want to make one of the most advanced 2d games out there.

See ya!

Posted by mmankt - April 6th, 2011


I completed stage 1 in shooter development - shooting and walking. Obviously a lot of systems had to be done before that. When you're using skeletal animation things get a bit more tricky so it's a whole different story than using flash for aniamtions etc - but the quality and awesomeness jump is worth it.
So here we have a full ballsitics system with riochets and penetration:

-weapons reloading (Madness: The Stand only had auto reload, i didn't have time to implement it properly:)-2 weeks for a whole complex shooter;)) I love attention to detail, so magazines fall out as physical bodies and are injected by the character(aniamtion is created on the fly, no need to do this by hand = win) :

-all stuff combined:

i also implemented weapon pickup, a much wanted feature in Madness: The Stand, all guns maintain their current data when on the ground, so if you get killed while reloading, the gun will fall on the ground without a magazine. As in the game itself ammo is limited picking up opponents weapon without a mag in will be quite stupid :)

And what're waiting for:

Can't live without ragdolls. Today I've written it into the game's character. Ragdoll's pose is generated from the current pose of the character. Also the video below shows a on-the-fly gun switch animation. I'm still not decided on death animations, depends on how much time I have.

I also drew some new guns, almost all of ones that will be in the game. On the vid you can see AA12, MASADA ACR and Scorpion. Btw: would you prefer an auto grenade luncher or classic rpg as the explosive weapon ?

Till the end of April I have to do as much code as i can. After that I will have to focus on my studying cuz I'm finishing my first degree. Can't care more but well I have to do that. So, hopefully by the end of April I will make a announcement on what I'm exactly working on. If all my plans go well you will be blown away. But it's not Intruder single player experience - i need better tech, knowledge and solid money for it. If i want to make the definitive single player shooter I need to prepare myself for it. This project brings me one huge step closer - my engine will be almost complete.

Uff a lengthy one, hope you guys enjoyed it and stay sharp! The best flash shooter is coming!

PS: I finished Crysis 2 on my PC and it was amazing. Not what we, PC gamers were hoping for btw. Anyway it crushes any SP shooter. CoD is a piece of shit in SP.

Posted by mmankt - March 27th, 2011

What'cha know about animation technology? Hater? :)

Anyways my work on the game is running smoothly, however not as fast I'd like it to. The skeletal animation is fully incorporated into the game and now i focus on core gameplay stuff. After i get full character movement and bullet simulation with ricochets and penetration i will be working on the map editor.

I added a very cool new feature seen in 'next gen' games as crysis, gta4 and assassins creed which is foot placement correction. Basically it makes sure that characters feet are in proper place on the ground based on it's elevation. You can see it in action here:

I think that you guys deserve flash games that use modern techniques as in aaa titles, keep your fingers crossed!
PS: who is awesome and enjoying Crysis 2?

Posted by mmankt - March 15th, 2011

Nothing much to share this week, only some internal changes in the animation system, so it's boring for you guys. Here's a little pretty effect i made with my new particle system with bitmap cached - particle animations. I find it really intriguing, with good music it pulls you right in.


[space - fullscreen , LMB - gravity]

Posted by mmankt - March 8th, 2011

My particle system, used in Madness: The Stand, was getting a bit rusty - it offers a lot of great effects but i need something better for the game I'm working right now. A lot better. So last Friday while taking a break from developing my skeletal animation system, I decided to write a new one. It's almost perfect for action game usage - mainly for explosions, fire, sparks and smoke effects. It's 70% done.

It features custom collision detection based on raycasting in box2d world(10 to 100 times faster than using box2d's circles as particles (as seen in Madness: The Stand)) so it's an epic win. Every effect will have collision detection on by default - usually even our precious AAA console and pc titles don't offer this(reach,killzone 2&3,mafia 2,crysis,uncharted being some of the exceptions) so every action fan will be fully satisfied, i hope. They still need some tweaking but I already like what i see.

Another awesome thing is animated movieclip bitmap caching(based on what you can see in Scary Girl - the game). The stress test I'm showing here has a 90 frames long smoke animation made of 6 gfx with high quality blur and alpha tweens - it's so intense that flash struggles to display one instance of it as a normal movieclip. But with the caching system, it allows for much more than 100 on screen at once. Also some particles are circles with high quality glow - exactly 400 of them (in the demo) and no framerate drop. I will be using this in the whole engine - the game will look better,be more intense and will be around 10 times faster!(smooth 30-60 instead of 3-6 fps sounds awesome, huh?). If you've been working on a game or animation and wanted to make some really beautiful effects with filters - you might know how bad it feels when everything slows down. Not anymore, bitch!

The demo also shows some rope and plant quasi-physics with collisions. Cloth with UV mapping will be also featured.

So have fun, i hope that u'll be as excited as me for this game - tell me what kind of framerate drops are you getting with one explosion, also it may be super choppy in Opera browser(maybe because of encryption) and stay put! The game will be intense.

(click to focus and press space for instant explosion)


Posted by mmankt - February 11th, 2011

So almost done with the editor, now I'm working on character skinning, flipping and integrating it into the game. Making the character walk, aim and shoot is the first and most important part. It's gonna be much more difficult than using stuff animated in flash but u'll see how awesome it is soon i hope.

Posted by mmankt - February 1st, 2011

I have a lot of time now so I'm working on my next game with full power. I want basic skeletal animation in it.
Check out my first look at it. Everything is WiP and the editor is minimalistic:

you can pose, save, add keyframes and play the animation, it has some bugs and I'm worried on how will it work inside a game cuz it's a whole different story. That's it for now, see you next week!